Saturday, July 14, 2018

July 12, 2018

Charting A Path to the Future
July 12, 2018

The meeting was called to order by President Pam Nolan. Pledge of Allegiance was led by George Felix and Lynn Fonfara gave the invocation. Kiwanis mission was recited. Members attending were: Pam Nolan, Peg and Jim Morton, Dick Morton, Judy and Clark Jones, Lynn Fonfara, Wanda Phillips, Mary Smallwood, Tracy Vaughn, George Felix, and Nancy Reynolds.

Old Business: Speaker for July 19 will be Georgi Davis: “How did I get here?.” We will need speakers for future meetings. Peg suggested Habitat for Humanity and Guardian Ad Litem…Nov. is suggested date for GAL so we can award the donation. As of May we had about $80+. Clark and Judy had a few suggestions for speakers…a realtor who is connected to an organization that welcomes home Veterans; Clark’s sister who wrote books; and brother who has a stamp collection.
On July 24th, Tues., Lynn’s church will hold a Bunco party hat the Ascension Lutheran Church in Ocala from 6-8 p.m. if anyone would like to attend. Cost is $5.00. Date suggested for our Bunco party is Sept. 14.
Delegates to the convention will be Kathy McAvoy, Barbara Rollison, and Pam Nolan.

Pam will arrange with Sunflower to have a meeting there for Gerri’s birthday in October.

New Business: July 31st is the Key Training Center Run for the Money Telethon. Volunteers are needed to man the phones.

Dates to Remember:
July 19-Speaker-Georgi Davis
Monday, July 23, Board Meeting Oysters @ 4:30.
July 28-Nancy Kennedy from the Chronicle-speaker.
Oct. 26-Yard Sale.

Happy Dollars: Mary was happy that her daughter visited; Clark did not have a joke :(
Tracy: 19 yers with Raymond James and her daughter had a slight accident; Jim: happy boat was used and worked; Pam: Happy Barbara can enjoy travelling; Lynn: Happy to learn about lady from her church.

Trivia Winners: Dick, George, Nancy

Donations for Eliminate and GAL were conducted.