Friday, May 12, 2023

Meeting May 10, 2023


President Lynn called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
Our speaker was Ms. FAJARDO  media specialist from Crystal River Middle School. She told us about the modern day school library and the book selection process used by Citrus County in light of some of the changes made by the state. Their library is state of the art including robotics!
Nathaniel Jester, the Lt. gov. For Key Clubs in our division, attended the meeting and requested funding from our club for him to attend the International Key Club convention in Anaheim. He is a sophomore so his attendance would be of value. Mike Fonfara made a motion to fund him a minimum of $250 toward his goal. $250 would come from our service budget and members may contribute more. Motion was seconded and passed. He will solicit funds from other clubs in the District. 
We will have a fundraiser event at the American Legion on May 20. Arrive 8:00. Bring yard sale items.
Election of Officers for 2023-24: Lynn Fonfara, Pres.; Pam Nolan , VP; Jim Morton, Treas.; Nancy Reynolds, Sec.. Board of Directors, Mike Fonfara; 2  more are needed.