Monday, August 6, 2018

August 2, 2018

Charting A Path to the Future
August 2, 2018

The meeting was called to order by President Pam Nolan. Pledge of Allegiance was led by Wanda Phillips and Peg Morton gave the invocation. Kiwanis mission was recited. Members attending were: Pam Nolan, Barbara Rollison, Peg and Jim Morton, Lt. Gov. Margaret Williams and Gary Williams, Judy and Clark Jones, Wanda Phillips, Mary Smallwood, Tracy Vaughn,George Felix, and Nancy Reynolds. Guests: Anjli Deven (Editor)and David Abraham (Treasurer) from the Lecanto H.S. Key Club.

Program: Our guests told us about their Key Club projects and their club. They have about 60 members. They had a beach clean up project and others planned.

Old Business: Donations for the Yard Sale may be brought to Raymond James one week prior to the event on Oct. 27. Time will be 8-2.
Wanda brought up an article in the paper from the Covenant Children’s Home. We also discussed a Kiwanis project which involved helping foster children who exit the foster children program.

New Business: Gary mentioned that we place an ad in the convention program. We passed “the hat” and collected enough for a 1/2 page ad ($125). The ad will mention Margaret’s year as Lt. Gov.
Wanda Phillips donated $50 towards bikes for the Boys and Girls Club.

Dates to Remember:
Speakers: 8/9 Jennifer Seet.
Monday, August 27, Board Meeting Oysters @ 4:30.
BUNCO Sept. 21 at St. Timothy’s Lutheran Church, 1070 N. Suncoast Blvd.

Happy Dollars: We were very happy to have our Lecanto Key Club members present.

Trivia, Donations for Eliminate and GAL were conducted.

Last Laugh: Peg told us a joke today.

Respectfully Submitted:
Nancy Reynolds, Recording Sec.