Sunday, December 9, 2018

Kiwanis Weekly Notes

Date: ___12 06 2018__

Program: Fundraisers and budget
Income from dues does not cover all expenses. We need successful fundraisers, and to re-evaluate how we plan to spend the income we have. For example, scholarships help two students, while Builders Club etc help many children.
Fundraisers in the works:
Bunco February 21 at the American Legion in Dunnellon
Peg will investigate parking at the Insurance Agency near the bank for the Manatee Festival January 21
Clark spoke with the Chamber of Commerce and has tentative approval for a mini-golf and bucket toss game. Application needs to be done on line. $105
Valentine’s Dinner
Event notes
Board meeting Dec 20 at 11am.
Christmas Party Dec 20, with a gift swap for $15 or less.
No meeting Dec 27
Project notes
Jim and Peg have 14 bikes and helmets ready for Boys and Girls Club; their Christmas party is Dec 21. We need to determine when they want them and how to deliver them.
People notes
Clark and Judy were away caring for family members.